Register of interests

Councillor Peter Marland

Guidance Notes

I, Councillor Peter Marland a Member of Milton Keynes City Council give notice that I have the following financial interests being an elected member of MILTON KEYNES CITY COUNCIL that I [and my spouse, civil partner or person with whom I am living as a spouse or civil partner] have the following interests:

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Member Disclosure Spouse/Partner Disclosure
None (Leader, MKC) Associate, SJP
2. Sponsorship
Member Disclosure Spouse/Partner Disclosure
The Labour Party The Co-operative Party Local Government Association Local Partnerships -
3. Contracts
Member Disclosure Spouse/Partner Disclosure
Re:fit contract (Local Partnerships) -
Local Partnerships is a joint venture between the LGA (of which MKCC is a member), HM Treasury and the Welsh Government operate the Re:fit energy efficiency contract for MKC -
4. Land
Member Disclosure Spouse/Partner Disclosure
Address Provided -
5. Licences
Member Disclosure Spouse/Partner Disclosure
None -
6. Corporate tenancies
Member Disclosure Spouse/Partner Disclosure
None -
7. Securities
Member Disclosure Spouse/Partner Disclosure
None -
8. Gifts and/or hospitality
Member Disclosure Spouse/Partner Disclosure
Accommodation and small exchange gifts from the Union Territory of Chandigarh government (July 2023) -
Guest of Fahad Al-Ghanim (owner MK Dons) Arsenal vs Liverpool (October 2024) -

Other Registerable Interests

9. Unpaid Directorships
Name of Body / Organisation Position (if any)
Labour Local Government Campaigns Co-operative (LLGCC) Director
10. Appointments to bodies by Milton Keynes City Council
Name of Body / Organisation
For details of appointments to bodies by Milton Keynes City Council, please see the Councillor's Profile which can be accessed via the link at the top of this page.
11. Public Bodies
Name of Body / Organisation Position (if any)
Local Government Association Chair and National Lead Member for the Labour LGA Group, Economy Resources Board
National Joint Committee for Local Government Pay (main body) -
National Joint Committee for Coroner Pay -
South Midlands Authorities Chair
Local Partnerships (Board Member) -
Helen & Douglas House Trustee
The Labour Party -
The Co-operative Party GMB (Union) -
12. Date of Declaration