To consider Item 5.
The Principal Licensing Officer advised the Sub-Committee that a hearing had been necessary to determine objections against an application for a new Premises Licence for Kumerica Cash and Carry Ltd, 90 Queensway, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RU.
The application had been to seek the following licensable activities:
(a) Supply of Alcohol
Monday to Sunday 12:00 to 00:00 hours
(b) Provision of Late Night Entertainment
Monday to Sunday 12:00 to 00:00 hours
(c) Opening Hours
Monday to Sunday 12:00 to 00:00 hours
During the statutory consultation, representations had been received from Thames Valley Police, the Licensing Authority and Environmental Health, as Responsible Authorities, together with representations from two members of the public.
The Applicant had understood the representations submitted from the Responsible Authorities and had agreed the proposed conditions; therefore, the representations had been withdrawn.
S Voysey (Applicant’s representative) informed the Sub-Committee the Applicant had owned Afa Halal Butchers, which had been situated next door, and had been encouraged by customers to open a café. The premises had been modest in size and the Applicant had enjoyed the first six months of business. There had been an attempt to mediate with the residents who had submitted representations, but this had been unsuccessful.
Following a complaint regarding odour and food safety, the business had been inspected and had obtained a rating of ‘3 - Satisfactory’.
The Sub-Committee noted the concerns raised by the local residents (Other Parties), in particular the undermining of the Licensing Objectives ‘The Prevention of Crime and Disorder’; ‘The Promotion of Public Safety’; and ‘The Prevention of Public Nuisance’. It was noted that one resident had verbally agreed to withdraw their objection but had not confirmed this in writing, therefore, the Sub-Committee had considered both representations.
The Sub-Committee resolved to grant the application to Kumerica Cash and Carry Ltd, subject to the following conditions:
1. Opening Hours
12:00 to 00:00 hours, Monday to Sunday.
2. Sale of Alcohol and Refreshments
12:00 to 23:30 hours, Monday to Saturday.
12:00 to 23:00 hours, Sunday.
3. That the on and off sale of alcohol cease 30 minutes before the restaurant closes on that particular day.
4. That staff training records be maintained for a period of three years.
5. That the following additional conditions, as agreed between the Responsible Authorities and the Applicant, be added to the licence:
(a) when opening beyond 22:00 hours the final time for ordering alcohol for consumption on the premises will be 30 minutes before closure;
(b) alcohol shall only be sold or supplied as an accompaniment to food served from the premises;
(c) all alcohol sold or supplied for consumption off the premises shall be in sealed containers;
(d) that the premises will be clear of patrons by the closing time on the premises licence;
(e) takeaway orders containing alcohol to be delivered to residential or business addresses only (i.e. not to parks, bus stops, car parks etc); and
(f) any takeaway alcohol must form part of a food order.
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