Agenda item

PLN/2024/2370 - 43 Oxford Street


The item was introduced with a presentation from the Planning Officer, who advised members that the rear windows were not affected by article 4, and that the application was recommended for approval.

There were no speakers registered.

A member inquired whether the door would be the green as shown on the diagram and was told that the diagram was accurate.

Officers were asked when the paired doors of 43 and 45 became different styles, as they were no longer in keeping with each other. Officers advised that they did not have that information, as they could have changed at any time, but that the policy requirement was that they be in keeping with the character of the area, not just neighbouring properties.

Members sought clarification on the article 4 direction, as it stated that the material’s used should be retained, whereas that had not occurred in this case. Officers advised that it was a balance, as residents needed to be able to heat their homes, and that the materials used for this development were already mixed. The officer stressed that the design and character being in keeping with the conservation area was considered more important than the material.

Several differences between the existing development and proposed development were identified by the Panel, and it was confirmed by officers that the article 4 direction did not insist on an identical development, but instead ensured that proposed developments would be in keeping with the character of the conservation area.  

The Chair, seconded by Councillor McLean proposed the recommendation for debate that:

Permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in section 10.0 of the main report.

A member expressed their support for the application, stating that it was a good example of preserving the character of the area in a modern way and ensuring sufficient hear in the property.

A member echoed the above comments, commending the applicant on the application.

Further comments were made by a member, who expressed their sympathy for the applicant, and stated that development such as this should be encouraged.

The Chair summed up, expressing his support for the application and that it was a balance of preservation and keeping homes warm.


Upon being put to the vote, the application was approved unanimously.


That permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in section 10.0 of the main report.


The meeting was closed at 19:22


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