Agenda item

24/01703/FUL - 1-2 Heathfield Gateway


The application was introduced by the Team Leader – Development Management.

The Panel were informed of the setting and area of the development.

Attention was drawn to the Update Paper, and the update to condition 4, with officers reiterating that the application was recommend for approval subject to the conditions sets out in the main report and Update paper.

There were no speakers registered for this application.

A member sought clarification as to the number of shutter doors, as the diagram for the proposed development differed from that of the existing and was advised that the third shutter door depicted was for the next unit.

A member inquired as to what UCO stood for in section 7.19 of the main report, and was informed it stood for Use Class Order, the member suggested that it could be added to the glossary of terms provided to members.

A further question was asked by a member, who asked whether the parking spaces were booked by users as part of their booking, and was told the spaces belonged to the unit, but there were not specific restrictions in place.

Subsequently, the Chair, seconded by Councillor McLean proposed the recommendation for debate that:

Permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in section 10.0 of the main report and the updated condition 4 set out in Section U5.0 of the Update Paper.

A member began the debate, stating that this was more a change of use rather than a loss of employment land, and that the amendment to ensure it’s specific use was sensible. The member expressed their support for the application.

This was echoed by Chair, who stated that he supported the recommendation to approve.

Upon being put to the vote, the motion passed unanimously.


That permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in section 10.0 of the main report and the updated condition 4 set out in Section U5.0 of the Update Paper.



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