
Policy, Performance and Scrutiny Management Committee - Tuesday 11th February, 2025 7.00 pm

Venue: Room 1.02, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3 EJ

Contact: Roslyn Tidman  Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions

The Chair to welcome members of the committee, officers, any external witnesses, and the public to the meeting and introduce committee members, officers and witnesses who are present.




Disclosures of Interest

Councillors to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registerable interests, or non-registerable interests (including other pecuniary interests) they may have in the business to be transacted, and officers to declare any interests they may have in any contract to be considered.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To approve, and the Chair to sign as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting of the Policy Performance Scrutiny Management Committee held on 26 November 2024.


Recommendations / Action Tracker pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To receive and note the Recommendations Tracker and information regarding outcomes agreed at previous meetings.


Public Involvement

To consider submissions from members of the public requesting scrutiny of a particular Council service, or a matter over which the Council has influence. 

Note:  Written notice of submissions must be submitted to the Committee Services Manager not later than 12 noon eight clear working days before the date of the meeting.


Quarterly Performance Report pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To consider the Quarter 3 2024/25 Performance Report (circulated under separate cover).

Additional documents:


Update on Devolution

To receive an oral update from the Leader of the Council and officers should MHCLG confirm that they will be consulting on devolution in our area.


Proposals for Task and Finish Groups pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To consider proposals for Task and Finish groups for the remainder of the year and a prioritised short list for 2025/26

Additional documents:


2024/25 Work Programme pdf icon PDF 77 KB

The Committee’s 2024/25 Work Programme is attached for information.

Please note that all scrutiny Work Programmes remain flexible and may be subject to change at short notice depending on circumstances at any one time.

If there are any other items within the Committee’s remit which members of the Committee would like to see included in the Work Programme, please bring them to the attention of the Committee’s Planning Group (Chair, Vice-Chairs & Scrutiny Officer).