
Budget & Resources Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 14th January, 2025 7.00 pm

Venue: Room 1.02, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ

Contact: Sian Lloyd  Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions

The Chair to welcome members of the Committee, officers, any external witnesses, and the public to the meeting and introduce committee members, officers and witnesses who are present.



To receive any apologies.


Disclosures of Interest

Councillors to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registerable interests, or non-registerable interests (including other pecuniary interests) they may have in the business to be transacted, and officers to declare any interests they may have in any contract to be considered.


Draft Council Budget 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2025/26 to 2028/29 pdf icon PDF 392 KB

To consider the contents of the draft budget 2025/26 initially noted and endorsed at Cabinet on 3 December 2024.

The Committee have chosen at this meeting to focus on any outstanding pressures, budget reductions and income proposals and review the contents of the Committee’s report on draft budget proposals.

The Committee may need to consider excluding the public and press in accordance with Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, should it wish to discuss specific exempt proposals.

Any recommendations the Committee may formulate from this item will be included in the Committee’s report on draft budget proposals which will be presented to Cabinet and Council in February.

Additional documents:


Business Cases pdf icon PDF 249 KB

These documents contain the business cases which the Committee considered as exempt annexes. Following review the attached business cases were identified as containing no commercially sensitive information and have therefore been released to the public.

Additional documents: