Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Regulatory Sub Committee - Monday 27th January, 2025 7.20 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ

Contact: Jane Crighton 

No. Item


Disclosures of Interest

Councillors to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registerable interests, or non-registerable interests (including other pecuniary interests) they may have in the business to be transacted, and officers to declare any interests they may have in any contract to be considered.


Application for a Street Trading Consent Variation - Tasty Turkish Kebabs, Netherfield pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To consider Item 5.

Additional documents:


The Licensing Officer advised the Sub-Committee that a hearing had been necessary to determine objections against an application for a variation to a Street Trading Consent for Tasty Turkish Kebabs, Buckland Drive, Netherfield.

During the statutory consultation, representations had been received from the Milton Keynes Street Traders Association, on behalf of local businesses within the area.

K Evans (Licensing Officer) informed the Sub-Committee that the hours applied for had been 16.30 hours to 22:30 hours, Monday to Sunday, to the north end of Netherfield.  

The Applicant’s representative informed the Sub-Committee they apologised for the breach of conditions which had related to initially not trading for the required consecutive 21 days prior to an application for a variation being submitted; and the trading van had been left at the location overnight.  Their menu would be updated if the application be granted and, currently, this was not similar to other trading mobiles or fast food premises within the area. There had been an error with regard to the food rating of 3, when, in fact, it had been a rating of 4.

The Sub-Committee noted the submission from the Milton Keynes Street Traders Association, together with comments from Woughton Community Council, which primarily related to concerns regarding the increase in the hours of trading; the location of trading; the number of existing food establishments in the area and the impact on the other street trader in the area and the food premises in Netherfield.

The Sub-Committee also noted officer observations that there had been no financial information provided as to the impact, if any, on existing food premises since the Applicant had started trading.

The Sub-Committee recognised that the objections raised gave no reasonable cause to refuse the application.


The Sub-Committee resolved to grant the application as applied for, with the hours of trading from 16:30 hours to 22:30 hours, Monday to Sunday.