Agenda and decisions

Delegated Decisions - Tuesday 21st January, 2025 6.00 pm

Venue: Room 1.02, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ

Contact: Jane Crighton  Email:

No. Item


Milton Keynes College - Tariff Funding Investment pdf icon PDF 116 KB


1.         That the Council express its support, in principle, for the College Estates Plan and the expansion of Further Education facilities in the City to meet the growing demand.

2.         That, subject to the prior completion of a Funding Agreement as proposed at 1.3 below, the Council provide up to £6.1m to support delivery of the first phase of the College Estates Plan.

3.         That authority be delegated to the Director of Planning and Placemaking to finalise the arrangements for:

(a)        the terms of the Funding Agreement referred to at 2 above; and

(b)       phased release of the funding in accordance with the terms of the Funding Agreement referred to at 3(a) above.


Adult Community Drug And Alcohol Treatment Service - Central Northwest London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) Contract Extension pdf icon PDF 88 KB


That an initial two-year contract extension from 1 April 2025 until 31 March 2027, for the delivery of theAdult Community Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service by Central and Northwest London NHS Foundation Trust, be approved.


Approval to Extend the current Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health Services Provision Contract pdf icon PDF 104 KB


1.         That the current integrated contraception and sexual health services, provided by Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust, be extended for a further two years from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2027, in line with the contract terms.

2.         That authority be delegated to the Director of Public Health (in consultation with the Cabinet member for Adult Services, Health and Communities) to finalise the arrangements for extending the current integrated contraception and sexual health service contract to 31 March 2027, in line with Bedford Borough Council’s procurement procedures, with a contract value of £2,304,981. This excludes the additional AfC payment for 2024/25 and future years which will be paid from top up government funding and passed onto the provider.


Carers Support Hub pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Additional documents:


1.         That the public and press be excluded from the meeting by virtue of Paragraph 3 (Information relating to the Financial or Business Affairs of the Authority) of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, in order that the meeting may consider the exempt Annex to the report.

2.         That the contract for the Lead Carers Service be awarded to tender A (as set out in the exempt Annex).

3.         That authority be delegated to the Director of Adult Services, in consultation with the Cabinet member for Adult Services, Health and Communities, to finalise the arrangements for the remaining five carers contracts within the hub, which will include Digital Carers Service and a range of specialist services, comprising young carers, older persons, mental health and Learning Disability and Neurodivergence.