Agenda and decisions

Delegated Decisions - Tuesday 11th July, 2023 5.30 pm

Venue: Room 1.02, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ

Contact: Jane Crighton  Email:

No. Item


Quarter 4 Draft Outturn 2022/23 - General Fund Revenue, Housing Revenue Account, Dedicated Schools Grant and Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 255 KB

Additional documents:


1.1             That the General Fund (GFRA) draft outturn of £0.526m against the budget, together with the management actions set out at Annex A to the report, be noted.

1.2             That GFRA savings of £4.691m savings, as set out in Annex B to the report, be noted.

1.3             That the provisional outturn for the Housing Revenue Account, at an underspend of £1.434m, which has been funded through an increase in the transfer to reserves be noted, together with the management actions set out at Annex C to the report.

1.4             That the Dedicated Schools Grant surplus carry forward of £6.790m, together with the management actions set out at Annex D of the report, be noted.

1.5             That the reserves position, as detailed in Annex E to the report, be noted.

1.6             That the outturn on the 2022/23 Capital Programme at an underspend of £12.236m after proposed slippage of £104.679m, as detailed in Annex F to the report, be noted.

1.7             That the outturn position of the 2022/23 Tariff Programme, as detailed in Annex G of the report, be noted.

1.8             That the debt position of the Council at the end of quarter 4, as detailed in Annex H to the report, be noted.

1.9             That the write-off of an unrecoverable debts that exceeds £20,000, as detailed in Annex H to the report, be approved.

1.10         That the Treasury Management report including prudential indicators, as detailed in Annex I to the report, benoted.

1.11         That the virements to the original budget, as detailed in Annex J to the report, be approved.

1.12         That the current position on the Collection Fund, as detailed in Annex K to the report, be noted.

1.13         That the procurement waiver decisions, as detailed in Annex L to the report, be noted.

1.14         That the additions and amendments to resource allocation and spend approval for the 2023/24 Capital Programme and Tariff Programme, as detailed in Annexes M and N to the report, be approved.


Short Term Bus Support pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


1.1             That the public and press be excluded from the meeting by virtue of Paragraph 3 (Information relating to the Financial or Business Affairs of the Authority) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, in order that the meeting may consider the exempt Annex to the report.

1.2             That a short term (eight month) one-off support funding be provided to specific at-risk services, as listed within this report, via the use of Local Transport Fund (LTF) Grant as a grant of subsidy.

1.3             That a marketing campaign be undertaken to raise awareness of the at-risk status of the services and to encourage patronage to attempt to make these services commercially sustainable.

1.4             That authority be delegated to the Director - Environment and Property to:

(a)       to finalise the arrangements for allocating the short term LTF funding to operators to support the listed at risk services; and

(b)       approve and finalise the allocation of further LTF funding to support additional routes that meet the same criteria should they be brought forward after this decision is taken and subject to LTF fund still being available. That this delegation includes the grant of authority to the Director - Environment and Property to approve the allocation of such funding including in cases where such funding is assessed to constitute a subsidy under the subsidy control legislation in the future.