Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 6th June, 2023 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ

Contact: Roslyn Tidman  Email:

No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillor Darlington and Councillor J Carr.


Cabinet Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Leader and members of the Cabinet.



None received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 118 KB

To approve, and the Chair to sign as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 7 February 2023.



That the Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 7 February 2023 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Disclosures of Interest

Councillors to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registerable interests, or non-registerable interests (including other pecuniary interests) they may have in the business to be transacted, and officers to declare any interests they may have in any contract to be considered.


Councillor R Bradburn declared an ‘Other Registerable Interest’ in Item 11, as his wife was the current Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel (CAG).


Questions from Members of the Public

To receive questions from members of the public of which notification has been received.


The following question was received from Paul Williams:

“A number of Local Authorities (such as Hackney) have introduced a ‘Companion Pass’ scheme, to combat the theft of blue badges.  Is this something Milton Keynes Council have explored, or might consider exploring in the future?”

Mr Williams was unable to attend the meeting and he was provided with the following written response from the Cabinet member for Public Realm:

“The Council does not currently offer a Companion Pass as part of its Blue Badge scheme.  A number of Councils have introduced this type of scheme to try and broaden the support for disabled users and also reduce the level of potential abuse of the system.  There would be a cost to administering this type of scheme which would need to be investigated should the Council wish to consider this further.

The total Blue Badges issued in 22-23 was 4,665 @ £10.00 each.  Stolen (and misplaced) cards have to be reported to MKCC so we can re-issue and there have been no reports of theft in 2022-23, which indicates this problem may predominantly be in London Boroughs.”


Councillors' Items

To receive any Councillors’ Items.


None received.


Councillors' Questions

Councillors to ask questions of the Leader of the Council or a Cabinet member on issues within their Portfolio (15 minutes).


None received.


Community & Housing Scrutiny Committee - 1 March 2023

That the Council considers how it can provide long-term, ongoing support for the local Homelessness Partnership so that it remains effective in its provision of additional support services to the homeless and rough sleepers.


Written Response (Councillor Darlington, Cabinet member for Adults, Housing & Healthy Communities)

MKCC is fully supportive of the valuable work that  Milton Keynes Homelessness Partnership deliver. The partnership draws together all local stakeholders who are supporting homeless citizens across Milton Keynes.  Two MKCC senior officer are Trustees of the charity and discuss the financial position regularly.  The MKCC budgets that support work to support and address homelessness is fully committed for this financial year.


Councillor Ferrans introduced the referral, noting that the Committee had considered the issue of homelessness at their March meting and had heard evidence from the Homelessness Partnership.  They had explained that financial and non-financial support from the Council was critical to its success.  The Committee therefore wanted to highlight this issue to ensure in particular the ongoing financial support by the Council despite the challenging financial times.

Councillor Marland noted the written response from Councillor Darlington to the referral.


That the referral and the written response provided be noted.


Council Plan Delivery Plan 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To receive the new Council Plan Delivery Plan for 2023/24, for noting by Cabinet.

Additional documents:


Councillor Marland introduced the item noting that this was the annual refresh of the Council Plan Delivery Plan.  Councillor Marland noted the efforts of officers to deliver the ambitions of the previous plan. Cabinet Members highlighted the following actions within the Delivery Plan:

(a)          New waste contract which will lead to cleaner streets and higher quality recycling; additional funding for pothole, highway defects, redway and pavement repairs; urban tree planting scheme; and a programme of improvement for local play areas;

(b)         Continues ambition of helping residents of Milton Keynes to deal with the cost of living crisis including the energy advice line, mortgage interest relief fund; funding to parish council’s to provide local support initiatives and continuing support for MK Food Bank, expanding the number of food larders and funding for school holiday lunch vouchers;

(c)          The provision of excellent services for our young people including: improvements to the foster service and increasing the number of foster carers; new special educational  needs provision and investing in high quality SEN support; and

(d)         Commitment to the decarbonisation fund, support for public transport; creating a city centre tech campus; support for white ribbon and dementia friendly city status.


That the Council be recommended to approve the new Council Plan Delivery Plan for 2023/24


Governance changes to Milton Keynes Development Partnership (MKDP) pdf icon PDF 110 KB

To consider the governance changes proposed to Milton Keynes Development Partnership.

Additional documents:


Councillor Marland introduced the item noting that the changes proposed to the current structure of Milton Keynes Development Partnership (MKDP) meant that it would move away from having councillors and the Chief Executive as board members to creating an oversight panel which would be a cabinet advisory group. 

The Monitoring Officer advised that the words ‘maintaining political membership on a proportionate basis’ should be omitted from recommendation 1.1 as this was already dealt with in the Terms of Reference.

Councillor Middleton thanked officers who had been leading on this matter.  He noted that this change in governance would allow councillors to provide an appropriate level of scrutiny and challenge to MKDP and he was satisfied that these new arrangements were fit for purpose. 


1.             That a new body called the Owners Advisory Group (OAG) with the Terms of Reference in Annex A be constituted to advise the Cabinet on MKDP matters.

2.             That the Members Agreement be amended to:

a)      recognise the OAG;

b)      remove the Commissioning Statement and the Reserved Matters listed in this report; and

c)      reflect the role of Develop MK’s as a consultee in the approval of the Business plan.

3.      That authority be delegated to the Director of Law and Governance to amend the Members Agreement in accordance with this decision and make any other non-material drafting amendments deemed necessary.

4.      That authority be delegated to the Director of Law and Governance in consultation with the Leader and the members of the OAG to amend the Terms of Reference.

5.      That the Leader’s intention that decisions in relation to MKDP be reserved to Cabinet be noted.

6.      That these changes take effect on the 1 September 2023.


Annual Appointment of Advisory Groups and Outside Organisations pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To agree the annual appointment to Advisory Groups and Outside Organisations.

Additional documents:


Councillor Marland introduced the item regarding appointments to Outside Bodies.  He noted that Councillor Townsend was to be appointed to the PATROL Joint Committee and that the reference to Councillor Nazir on the Schools Advisory Committee on Religious Education should actually refer to Councillor Imran.


1.             That appointments to the various outside organisations, advisory groups and strategic partnerships for 2023/24, as set out in Annex A, be agreed.

2.             That the following amendments to the appointments be made:

(a)          Councillor Townsend be nominated to the PATROL Joint Committee; and

(b)         The reference to Councillor Nazir on the Schools Advisory Committee on Religious Education should refer to Councillor Imran.

3.             That authority be delegated to the Director Law and Governance, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to agree appointments to any vacancies that remain, or arise during the 2023/24 council year.