Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 3rd December, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ

Contact: Roslyn Tidman  Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies.


None received.


Cabinet Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Leader and members of the Cabinet.



None received.


Disclosures of Interest

Councillors to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registerable interests, or non-registerable interests (including other pecuniary interests) they may have in the business to be transacted, and officers to declare any interests they may have in any contract to be considered.


None received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To approve, and the Chair to sign as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 5 November 2024.



That the Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 5 November 2024 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Questions from Members of the Public

To receive questions from members of the public of which notification has been received.


None received.


Councillors' Items

To receive any Councillors’ Items.


None received.


Councillors' Questions

Councillors to ask questions of the Leader of the Council or a Cabinet member on issues within their Portfolio (15 minutes).


None received.


References from Other Bodies

To consider referrals and their responses.


None received.


Youth Justice Plan 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To consider the Milton Keynes Youth Justice Plan 2024/25.

Additional documents:


Councillor Hearnshaw introduced the report noting that the work the Council was doing to promote reintegration and reduce exclusions was critical in making sure that the rate of first-time entrants into the youth justice system continued to fall. The Cabinet member highlighted the work of the team to address speech, language and communication difficulties and with regard to child exploitation.  It was further noted that it was important to remember that all members and officers were responsible for supporting children across Milton Keynes and making sure that they can reach their full potential.  The Cabinet member asked the Cabinet to endorse the plan and recommend it to Council for approval.

The Cabinet heard from Councillor J Carr who welcomed the report and noted that it would be helpful to receive an interim update on progress and suggested that there should be an increase in the amount of community engagement that was offered in relation to alternative sentencing.

The Cabinet heard from Councillor D Hopkins who noted that the report was a positive step forward and that the work of the SEND Task and Finish Group may be important foundation for this area. It was further highlighted that the Council should focus on knife and other serious crime alongside crime such as shoplifting.


The Cabinet endorsed the Youth Justice Plan for 2024-25 and recommended the Plan to Council for adoption.


Strategic Risk Registers pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To consider an item on strategic risk registers.

Additional documents:


Councillor Townsend introduced the report noting that this followed an earlier report to Cabinet and now included the full set of Risk Registers. The registers had been considered by the Audit Committee who had noted a specific area they would like to focus on. It was highlighted that Cabinet members considered the registers with the relevant directors to ensure that risks were monitored on an ongoing basis.

Councillor Mahendran noted that as the Cabinet member for Sustainability she welcomed the introduction of climate into the corporate risk register as this acknowledged the risk that climate change posed not only as a risk to life but a risk of real pressure on Council services.

The Cabinet heard from Councillor Ferrans with regard to the risk registers for effective prevention of homelessness and housing maintenance. In response, Councillor Marland noted that they were Risk Registers rather than performance reports and indicated that the Council had identified a risk and how it was being managed.


The Cabinet reviewed and agreed the completed Strategic risk registers, in the Annex to the report, showing risk owners assessments of the arrangements for mitigating the Strategic risks.


Quarter 2 2024/25 Forecast Outturn, General Fund Revenue, Housing Revenue Account, Dedicated Schools Grant and Capital Programme 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 170 KB

To consider a report on the Quarter 2 Forecast Outturn for 2024/25.

Additional documents:


Councillor Townsend introduced the report noting that it set out the financial outturn for the general fund, the DSG, the HRA, and the Capital Program. It was indicated that the financial position had improved from quarter one which was a positive position. The Cabinet member highlighted that as members were aware that children's placement costs had been significantly more than expected but the gap from that had been mostly offset.


1.             That the GFRA forecast outturn of £3.076m against budget be noted, together with the management action plan set out in this report.

2.             That the Dashboards to support the period 6 position be noted, which is set out in Annex A of this report.

3.             That the reserves position as detailed in Annex B are noted.

4.             That the Cabinet approved the additions and amendments to resource allocation and spend approval for the 2024/25 capital programme set out in Annex C.

5.             That the Cabinet recommend to Full Council to approve the additional borrowing of £4.001m to cashflow the remaining delivery of the MK East (HIF) project outlined in Annex C of the report in advance of the receipt of Tariff contributions from the MK East.

6.             The forecast outturn position on the 2024/25 Capital Programme as an overspend of £0.231m after slippage of £17.973m as detailed in Annex D of this report be noted.

7.             That the Treasury Management report including prudential indicators, as detailed in Annex E of the report is referred to Council for approval.

8.             That the virements to the original budget as detailed in Annex F of the report are approved.

9.             That the Cabinet approved the additions and amendments to resource allocation and spend approval for the 2024/25 Tariff programme set out in Annex G of the report.


Draft Council Budget 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 392 KB

To consider the Draft Council Budget for 2025/26.

Additional documents:


Councillor Marland introduced the report noting that the Council had experienced a loss of nearly half of its Revenue Support Grant from the Government over the last 14 years. It was indicated that the number one priority in the Council Plan was passing a stable, sound financial budget that did not rely on reserves.  Councillor Marland noted that there was nearly £21 million worth of budget pressures that had to be managed with the vast majority of those in children's services. Therefore, a number of difficult decisions were needed, including a 4.99% (2.99% core increase plus a 2.00% Adult Social Care Precept) increase in council tax. The Administration understood the financial impacts on everyday people in this City and therefore provided an 80% council tax reduction scheme for those who qualified. There were difficult, but proportionate decisions to be made such as considering introducing a charge for a second green bin, decisions around children's services and in adult social care. It was indicated that the budget contained measures such as an extra £1.5 million to support social care, an extra £1.55 million additional support to help people with mental health conditions, the continuation of the weekly bin collection, more funding to improve roads and fix potholes, support for homeless people and help for pensioners most impacted by the loss of the winter fuel allowance.

Councillor Townsend noted that this was a draft budget so it did contain several assumptions and there were a number of factors that required confirmation once the local government settlement was received. It was indicated that the government had confirmed the proposed referendum limit for council tax and that the Council would still receive the Revenue Support Grant. The Social Care grant had been confirmed and there had been a slight uplift in this.  It was noted that there would now follow a consultation with our tenants with all residents and businesses. Finally, Councillor Townsend noted the Addendum to the Agenda that included corrected numbering of the recommendations in the report and a revision of the New Homes Bonus figure.

The Cabinet heard from Councillor Cannon who thanked officers across the Council for their work with preparing the budget and noted that he was confident that the Budget and Resources Scrutiny Committee would analyse the detail contained in the draft budget.

In summing up the Leader noted that there would always be scrutiny on the saving and income lines but it should be noted that the budget included £300 million of revenue, the Housing Revenue Account and the Capital Budget.  It was highlighted that the Council did not just pass a budget for one year it included a four year medium term financial plan and strategy.  In conclusion, Councillor Marland noted his thanks to the Finance team and paid tribute to Natasha Hutchin, Assistant Director of Finance, who was leaving the Council after many years of work in ensuring a stable financial position particularly in social care and the HRA.


1.             That the Cabinet  ...  view the full minutes text for item C50